Wazifa To Stop Someone Doing Haram

Wazifa To Stop Someone Doing Haram ,” If some one in your household is doing haram and is not listening to you do this for 21 days.

Every day before azan of Fajr Salah read

Darood/Salavat 11 times

Surah lahab 19 times.

Darood/Salavat 11 times

and then do a dam(blow) on him while he/she is sleeping. 

If the person is not in your house, imagine his face and do a dam(blow) on his face. You may keep a foto in front of you for imagination.

You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.

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