Talaq Rokne Ke Liye Wazifa

Talaq Rokne Ke Liye Wazifa

Talaq Rokne Ke Liye Wazifa ,” Talaq is an Arabic word meaning “to release” or “to divorce”. Under the Muslim law, talak means “to untie the matrimonial knot by articulating a word denoting divorce.”
If a husband utters the word on his wife, the two of them would automatically be divorced and the wife would be in a state of iddah. If, during iddah, the parties wish to reconcile, the divorce may be revoked without their having to go through the process of nikah. Allah says:

“Take them back on equitable terms or part with them on equitable terms.”
Quran – 65 : 2.

Wazifa Naqsh for Talaq :-

After Maghrib Salat Recite  (1000) Bismillah (complete) for atleast 40 days

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